Case Study Name

We had the privilege of creating this brand for our friends at Heights Church as they embark on their exciting launch journey. Our goal was to craft a visual identity that feels both approachable and strong, designed to stand the test of time.

🔗 The icon features a woven pattern symbolizing spiritual formation, inspired by the church’s vision and mission that emerged during our discovery process.

🎨 Soothing colors, reliable typography, and custom illustrations bring this visual identity package to life, ensuring it resonates deeply with the community for years to come.

#HeightsChurch #BrandIdentity #ChurchLaunch #SpiritualFormation #DesignWithPurpose #VisualIdentity #CreativeDesign #NewBeginnings #FaithInDesign ✨




Web Development




Heights Church | Hendersonville, Tennessee

Launch Gallery

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