Case Study Name

This project was crafted for two-time bestselling authors, Jimmy and Irene Rollins, whose mission centers on promoting strong, healthy marriages. TWO=ONE was born out of their personal journey through real-life struggles, including addiction, dysfunction, and a lack of emotional intelligence. These challenges severely impacted their relationship until they discovered the transformative formula 2=1, which helped them overcome these obstacles and rebuild their bond.

Jimmy and Irene's story is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of emotional growth in relationships. Their experiences and insights have inspired countless couples to work through their own challenges and strive for a deeper connection. As such, the brand needed to reflect the essence of their message—one of hope, transformation, and unwavering commitment.

The design approach for TWO=ONE was meticulously crafted to capture this spirit. It needed to feel organic, brave, bold, and hopeful, resonating with couples at different stages of their journey. The graffiti-inspired design elements add a contemporary and edgy feel, symbolizing the raw and authentic nature of real-life relationships. These elements expand the brand's visual identity, offering a dynamic and versatile look.

Additionally, the gradient treatments create visually striking color blocks that seamlessly blend feminine and masculine tones. This design choice represents the harmony and balance that Jimmy and Irene advocate for in marriages. The gradients also evoke a sense of unity and inclusivity, emphasizing that the TWO=ONE philosophy is applicable to all couples, regardless of their background or experiences.

Overall, the branding for TWO=ONE is a vibrant and meaningful representation of Jimmy and Irene Rollins' mission. It communicates their powerful story and the core values of their message, inviting couples to embark on their own journeys toward healing and connection.

View case study on Behance.


Visual Identity

Video Production


Web Development





Jimmy & Irene Rollins / West Palm Beach, FL

Launch Gallery

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